Organic Kabuse Umber Matcha Tea, grown by the Morimoto family
For 40 years, the Morimoto Family has been cultivating seven varieties of tea plants in Miyazaki, south of Kyûshû, for their unique flavours and extreme resistance to climatic conditions. The Morimoto's offer a range of exclusively organic teas because they consider that producing natural tea in an ecological and balanced environment is a valuable goal.
This Matcha Kabuse 2 抹茶かぶせ, in 50g bags, is produced from the Oku midori and Minami Sayaka tea varieties, whose leaves have been shaded: even though it comes from the 2nd harvest, thanks to careful grinding, this high-quality matcha is incredibly fine and intense green.
Taste it for your relaxing moments admiring its splendid colour..... you are in Japan!
[ Bag of 50g tea powder ]
Data sheet
Organic green tea 100% Certified according to European standards DE-BIO-039.